It was the same place from where Madhoo lost her on-screen love Arvind Swamy in Mani Ratnam’s 1992 blockbuster Roja. But for Ayaan Mukerji’s Yeh Jawaani Hai Diwani, the Hadimba Temple in Manali transformed into a platform for former off-screen lovers Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone to reunite. Mirror brings you exclusive pictures from the sets of the film, a journey that has just begun.
It was a cool yet sunny Friday morning in the hill station when we spotted Ranbir and Dippy in temple compound. And despite heavy security hired specially to keep the inquisitive paparazzi away, we couldn’t stop ourselves from getting a few clicks. Unlike in Roja, where the same temple was made to resemble a relatively less populated area in Jammu and Kashmir, this particular shoot was carried out in midst of the generally populated tourist spot.
Deepika sporting a less glamorous bespectacled look stood near a tea stall for the scene, while Ranbir was spotted on the stairs leading up to the temple. In the scene, the two actors were supposed to oversee a wedding taking place inside the temple.
Prior to this, the crew had hired a few helicopters on Thursday, which had landed inside the resort complex where the entire cast and crew had been staying for the past six days. They even carried out a few trial runs of the helicopter scene.
Ranbir and Deepika, along with director Ayaan and the entire crew of the film had arrived at the hill station by road from Chandigarh. After a couple of days of script reading, the shoot was scheduled to begin on March 20.
Now Dippy and Ranbir, who had tried to stay away from each other ever since they broke up, have been making serious efforts at being ‘friends again’ after they signed the film.
In fact, for a recent party in Mumbai (of course, before they left for Chandigarh) had contrived to reach at the same time from two far away locations in a city not known for its easy traffic. Looks like the camaraderie moved to the pretty little hill station as well.
The day after they reached, Mirror spotted the former lovers and two others at Johnson’s Café, chilling in the wee hours of the night. Ranbir and Deepika did not mind posing for a few pictures with eager fans either.
Interestingly, Mirror learnt that Deepika had ordered for some grilled fish along with dal tadka and a Chinese dish to the hotel that had been entirely booked by Dharma Productions for the film cast and crew. Now that’s what we call a truly global palate.