A daily-wage labourer who had lost her way in Juhapura paid the price of seeking directions from a 12-year-old boy
A growing sense of insecurity in the wake of reports about disappearance of children from different parts of city, has made residents suspicious of new visitors in their locality. This could explain why incidents of strangers being beaten up, after they were mistaken for abductors are on the rise.
On Sunday, Vatva residents had thrashed a man mistaking him for a child-lifter. Later a complaint was lodged against the man
In yet another such incident, a 35-year-old woman bore the brunt of residents’ fury in Juhapura on Tuesday.
Lakshmi Devipujak, a labourer who went to collect wages of Rs 200 from her contractor at Hussaini Park Society Part II in Juhapura had little idea that the visit would turn out to be so painful for her.
A resident of Kheda, Lakshmi was not well-acquainted with the locality and happened to step into the wrong lane, when she reached Juhapura. Still struggling to find her way, she noticed a 12-year-old boy playing alone. She approached him asking if he knew about the address she was looking for when some residents noticed her. Mistaking her to be a child abductor, they started beating her up.
Already outraged by reports related to incidents of kidnapping in the nearby areas, residents were not willing to hear her pleas. And it was only after arrival of cops, that she was rescued. Later police took her to the police station and found that Lakshmi had no criminal background.Beware! but don’t take to violence: cops In fact this is the fourth such incident during last one week in which enraged residents giving into suspicion and rumours of kidnapping resorted to violence.
Raising concern over rise in the number of such incidents, cops maintained that the residents should inform local police in case of suspicion and avoid taking law in their own hands.
They also mentioned that residents should discourage rumour mongering.
Parents worried Meanwhile, parents continued to express concern as reports about disappearance of their children.
“Some of the parents have refused to send their children to the school and saying they will send them only after adequate security was provided in the school premises,” said Harum Memon Principal Classic Primary School Juhapura.